Messages - The Timeless Love Of Guardian Angels

Messages - The Timeless Love Of Guardian Angels





Throughout these many years of conversations with our Spirit group, the concept of having and holding peace and love in our hearts has played a major part. The bottom line of being a spiritual energy living an earthly life is to seek always to find peace. 

We find our own peace by consciously and continually holding love for all living energies on earth. All life, no matter the form of people, animals, the birds of the sky, all life that has roots in the soil, even the numerous forms of water in our world – all life needs love to be the best that it can be. And it is up to us, the human spirits of earth, to consciously, minute by minute, love all these forms of life.

This is a tall order to fill what with the challenges we face every day with the numerous people we deal with and the unexpected interruptions at any given moment. All it takes is an effort for us to stop and feel what we are about to say or do in every situation. This can be a magnificent difference in our day and in someone else’s day.

Our very thoughts are living energy that we send non-stop out into the universe. Sending thoughts and feelings of love to others brings peace; peace in our own hearts as well as the receiving hearts.


~~The message I bring today is one of peace and joy. It is time to create the most peaceful environment possible, and it is especially important to be aware of the vibrations and the feelings surrounding everything right now. This is a time of active calm. The excitement and energy are very high but the balance of peaceful understanding is paramount right now. Active calmness is what the energy surrounding the planet is right now.

~~Stay strong, and send Light constantly to the world. That is how the vibration changes. We all have a job to do and it really is a simple one. Just love. Love is the highest vibration and it is all that is necessary to take away the fear and the anger and the pain. Send love to every situation to the highest and best for all concerned and don’t be attached to the outcome. Trust above everything else. The Light always wins, even though it doesn’t seem that way.

~~Peace starts in your heart; no fear, no pain, no misdirection, just peace. As you connect to the vibration of peace, you and yours will be protected by the bubble of love. You must understand that others don’t necessarily need to understand, or even believe, to be protected; all they need is a peaceful heart that shows or gives off love the best that they can.




Recognizing the truth and having the faith to move forward in our truth is something that our Spirit group speaks of often. They caution us to be attentive in all situations and to be discerning in our belief in what is real and what isn’t. They urge us, over and over again, to be aware of what type of chaos is presenting itself to our hearts in order to keep us in a state of fear, or unhappiness or other negative feeling. 

Our Spirit group encourages us to constantly remember that the Light always wins, no matter what life is looking like on any and all fronts. They inspire us to unceasingly look for the highest and best in every situation. 

To see the truth in all circumstances we need to look at ourselves first with a deep and honest assessment of what our part in any given story is. When we acknowledge our participation in creating an illusion or conflict, only then are we able to move forward in the Light.


~~There is a lot to be done here and there. Don’t believe everything you hear or read. When you read something or when you have information, hold it, literally or figuratively, to your heart and your heart will tell you what is truth.

~~My message is very clear and very simple. Know yourself, know the truth, keep it simple, and always hold the Light and the energy.

~~Your roles as lightworkers are at their most powerful right now. And thank God that you take your work as lightworkers seriously because you are great anchors of the Light and where you are is exactly where you need to be. And even though each day presents new awareness, be flexible enough to shift with the changes to keep yourselves in balance.

~~It really doesn’t matter how you get there as long as the Light of truth shines from you always.



The messages from our Spirit group in this section are offerings of hope and encouragement for us as we walk through the ups and downs of our daily lives. Over and over they ask us to look for, and believe in, the highest and best for all in every situation we encounter along all the steps of each day. Our Spirits want us to fully understand how powerful we are as human creators for the spiritual realm. And they want us to fully understand that we must hold on to faith for the highest and best for everyone as part of the One.


~~It is about the faith. Have faith that in the right time and place it will all come together. You just got to stick with it. As time goes on you will find whatever is missing from the missing pieces and it will make more sense.

~~You know that all is in Divine Order and you just have to keep believing that, and everything will be okay. Sometimes you just have to slow down. When you can’t see the horizon, go within and you will see it there.

~~Since you do not have all of the information just yet, this is really a true test of faith that the universe always wins. I know that it seems like you have no direction, and that you really don’t know what’s going on, but you don’t have to.




When we are born into this earth realm, in our newborn physical bodies, we carry with us the life of our Creator God. We keep this connection during the entire run of our earthly life. This connection, this spark that we are born with is called the ‘I AM Presence’. Every single person living here on earth is connected to the Supreme Being as well as all other earthly humans through this ‘I AM Presence’. It is through this Divine Light that we are all connected as One.

As unique, special and different as all earth humans are, we are all sons and daughters of the Creator. We are all ONE with all life on this earth as well as with all living beings in all higher dimensions. Many of the conversations speak of the One, the Whole. It matters not that humans have a physical body and Light beings do not, we are One with each other and One with them. And it is because of this wonderful, magical spark of life that we are never alone.


~~You are not alone and don’t ever think that you are; you are part of the picture and we really, really love you a lot. You might not hear us but maybe you could look for us in different ways. Look for a feeling, an intuition, or something different and you will find us

~~We are all One. We are the Light. We are the beginning and the ending of all that is. This is the time for us to work together to build our new reality. We are here to build a bridge from form into higher consciousness. We are here together in the Light energy to build a shield of Light. It has always been prophesied that the ascension is a choice into the 5th dimension. Those who are not ready, willing or able, or choosing not to transcend, will stay in the cosmic duality rather than the Oneness of the 5th dimension.

~~The message is clear. You are all spiritual beings living in human form for the purpose of joining forces with the universe.




Energy, vibrations and dimensions are all intertwined. By intentionally using our energy for the highest good of all, we raise our vibration which in turn moves us up into higher dimensions. We use our energy through our thoughts which govern our feelings, deeds, actions, words, etc. Energy can take us up or down, sideways, in a circle or a spiral depending on where we knowingly or unknowingly direct it.

To raise our vibration we use our energy to make the choice to look for the highest and best in each and every situation. This calls for heart and soul based faith in the Light of the universe, or the power of God, as we apply dedicated, focused attention at all times.

Our actions and reactions provide insights as to how we are using our energy. When we choose the high road we raise our consciousness to a loving and peaceful space. Our goal of ‘as above, so below’ and ‘Heaven on Earth’ is the loving and peaceful feeling that is required to move us, and the earth, up the spiral of evolutionary consciousness.

The teachings from our Spirit group are intended to help us, as humans in physical form, touch the higher 5th dimension of love and peace. They are working with us to help us raise our vibrations so that we, as earth beings, will make the choices to help with the ascension. They are also working with our galactic families in the higher dimensions in this enormous endeavor of exiting the 3rd dimension.


~~The more positive you are and the happier you are then that energy will move mountains.

~~Everything starts with you. You are powerful, you are pure energy, you are pure Light. Use it now and don’t waiver. Love vibration, love vibration, love vibration, period. I know this is direct but very necessary and very important. Make the most count. It is what it is and send it love.

~~One of the most important things is to stay focused at the heart level. Keep the energy at the highest level that you can.



There are two main meanings of ascension in the conversations. The first is the ascension of the earthly human being and the second is the ascension of the earth as a living energy. For the earthly human being, ascension is referring to the emotional, mental and spiritual ascension rather than the physical act of the ascension of the spirit and soul at the time of earthly death. This emotional, mental and spiritual ascension is about living a conscious life and being aware of the opportunities as they come into focus for releasing negative feelings, thoughts, deeds and actions through the earthly mind.

The Spirits speak of the ascension of the earth as well; this is because the earth is a living energetic being of the cosmos. The earth’s ascension is able to occur as the people of the earth embrace the higher energetic feelings of peace, harmony and love which can be referred to as the blessings of ascension. As more and more earthly beings take steps in their ascension, the earth is then able to lighten up and continue to move forward with her ascension.

Our friends in the higher dimensions want us to acknowledge and appreciate our progress in our work towards the ascension process, telling us that just by doing so will move the vibrations even higher. They remind us it is a good thing to use humor to physically and literally lighten up because that will figuratively move us to the Lighter and higher vibrations.


~~Our message today is hope. Hope for a brighter day, hope for everyone to see the truth and hope for everyone to have the ability to raise the vibrations to attract and accept the ascension into the 5th dimension. We know that most humans only see the struggle and the turmoil right now, but please remember that what you see isn’t always what you get.

~~Your mission is to just BE and allow Spirit to flow in every moment to everyone to heal and grow your planet so it can, as a planet, ascend into the new vibration in the new solar system.

~~We have told you so many times it is essential that you stay focused on the Light; this is the path to ascension.



All wounds need healed, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. The goal of our Angels and Light Beings is, and has been from the beginning, to show us the path to healing.

These conversations with our Spirit Group share the message of the benefits of healing our own hearts. They help us to understand that by healing ourselves we can help to heal the world. This can be a challenging concept to grasp because most of us feel like no one else feels what we are feeling, or our feelings don’t really count; that is just so not true. Our intention is to share how our feelings really do matter, and how ‘heal yourselves, heal the world’ can make drastic changes in not only our lives but those we interact with.

These messages are for all humanity. Our stories of the healing needed in our hearts is not specific to us because we know that there are so many others who have in the past, or are right now, trying to feel their way through any number of variations of our experiences.

All members of our Spirit group talk about healing and how anytime there is dis-ease there is an opportunity for healing. They explain that we all go through painful experiences in order to create the space for healing to begin, and how true healing lies in the connection to the energy of the universe. The universe, in all worlds, is God, the Divine, the Creator of All That Is. And they say, many times over, that love is always the answer for all healing.


~~This is part of the trans-universal energy flow which is being brought in direct from the Source. So you see, just by opening our hearts just a little bit and shifting our consciousness just a little bit, we have now opened up just enough to truly begin to heal ourselves and the universe and everything else.

~~Healing starts within; you are never going to heal the planet before you heal yourselves.

~~The most important thing to remember is that every moment is an opportunity for healing.



Many times over, our Spirits have impressed upon our hearts that they are always there, always waiting for us anytime we call upon them. They are all there just waiting; waiting for us to ask them to come forward for whatever any circumstance might be. They express happiness and joy when we do reach out to them. Our Spirits are waiting to celebrate with us in our victories and to shower us with love in our disappointments. Put your arms out and they will be there.


~~I want you to remember I’m always with you, or should I say part of me is always with you. And if you need me, all you have to do is ask.

~~You are so silly; don’t you know that we will always be here waiting for you?

~~I’m happy we are together again; we have been waiting for you.



It was suggested to us by our Spirit group to share their messages in 2001. They continued to suggest that we do so throughout our many conversations. We did not know specifically how we were supposed to do this, and so did nothing. Many years passed and their lessons in all manner of things regarding spiritual advancement of the earth beings continued.

It was in 2020 when the virus was shaking up our world that the first publicized event of a child dying from the virus made me remember about the baby boy who had popped in to one of our conversations. I could not remember what his story was, so I started looking. During my searching and reading all of our transcripts with fresh eyes, I became aware of how many times they had said, “Share our messages” and I was painfully aware we had not.

While I do not fully understand the concept of past, present and future all being in the ‘now’ moment, I do completely understand ‘everything is always in perfect Divine Timing’ and so the time to share is now.


~~Now as we join hands and hearts, we open the door to a new understanding of each other and our true purpose. Stand your ground and don’t let anyone influence you; let go of all judgments. We know your mission now and so do you. Be our mouthpiece now. Well, we know that you all hear and understand.

~~The time has come to really trust who you are and how you do what you do. We are so pleased that you are writing about our journey together. We thank you for giving us our voice and for preparing the way for us.

~~Some will accept your words and others will not. It doesn’t matter; your job is to share information.





Throughout the years our Spirits have given us glimpses of what their lives are like in their new existence. These little windows give us insights into their feelings on where they are now, as well as their feelings on what they have left behind.

Their jobs as Light Beings are, first and foremost, to watch over us. But they have also shown us how they are working with the energies in the higher dimensions to help with many causes to move the Earth forward in her ascension evolution.

Since our Spirits are part of the energy of the ONE there is no definition here of which Spirit is sharing.


~~What can I say? I am well. We are all well and happy. I am adjusting to my new life and I am happy and content. There is so much to learn here. The past is healed and the relationships that I needed to heal have just melted away.

~~You know we are all here to help as those with the right vibration will be able to see, hear, feel and know the truth of the 5th dimension. We admire and appreciate all who stand together to help raise the vibration and we want you to know we are there with you and we will proceed forth with great care in love and Light and with great expectations. The highest and best, for all concerned, is the new reality for us on both sides of the veil to embrace

~~And sometimes just in the course of any given day, we open our wings to you to filter some of the other stuff that is going on around you.



Lisa received the words and sights and sounds in our conversations with complete faith and unwavering trust. When she was able to feel the energy from the higher realms, it gave even greater insights for our learning experience. Our Spirits shared their love and wisdom through her in a format and timing that their hearts knew we were in need of at the time of any given conversation.

Lisa had a truly magnificent and loving heart. At a very early age she was able to see and hear the Spirit world and as she grew older, her Spirits stayed with her. Finally accepting this as a gift, she began developing her abilities which were advanced to a high level by the time she was ready to join with the Spirits in the higher dimensions. Lisa shared her gifts joyfully with many searching hearts in her endeavors towards healing the earthlings.

This section is narrated by Lisa as she expresses what is being shown to her through visions as well as the words that are spoken and the feelings of the energy.  She refers to the Spirit group as “they” and “them”; the “you” is when she is talking to me or about me and the “I” is Lisa talking about herself.


~~I wish you could feel the love that I feel, it is so overwhelming, the pure joy that they have for us is as strong as our love for them; it is just incredible.

~~Camille is shown as tall, straight, short hair, an angelic being in form but not so much, and glowing; there is a golden halo around her and the essence of wings. While she was saying “we are truly a family here” there were others there with kind of a golden rope intertwined around them all.

~~Jim is wearing a white shirt and fancy belt buckle; his hi-dee-ho was with a wide wave of his arm, then he took Camille’s hand. When he was holding her hand he had both of his with hers. During the chicken joke, he let go of her hands and had both of his in front of him and then doubled over in laughter. Then he stood up straight and tipped his hat, a plain black cowboy hat. They both turned around and faded.

~~Jim is tap dancing, repeating the phrase and singing “I’ve got something good to tell you.” He is putting things in boxes and definitely putting the lids on the boxes. His cowboy hat is flying through the air and he is flying behind it. There are a lot of birds; there are clouds, there is a blue sky, all happy feelings.

~~Jim is clapping and it seems as though the birds are also clapping. Now he bows. Now there is a 2 seater airplane flying through the clouds. The airplane is pulling a banner that says “Happy Times are Here Again.” Jim is clapping. Now Jim is holding up Santa Clause ornaments. The Santa’s hands are in the “I love you” American Sign Language formation and Jim’s hands are also in the same formation.

~~I see showers of blessings, rainbows, misty rain, butterflies and shiny stars. Jim’s hands are apart, palms up, as the blessings of showers fall.

~~I see Jasper; he is holding a jasper egg. He is appearing as old, tall, in nomad robes, the desert attire of striped Moses type robes. He likes to sit under trees and meditate and that’s why he comes to you because you kind of understand each other. He is a very old soul, but very spry. He has the blue eyes of Merlin; he is a descendant of Merlin. He has a walking stick; he is showing me Yoda of Star Wars with the walking stick referring to the all-knowing. Jasper is like a scribe, a keeper of the pens. His function is intellect. Jasper is a teacher of the teachers.

~~Aaron and Jasper are from the same tribe. It is why you and I share the same birthday; we are all part of the same group. A lot of the learning you are getting is coming through Jasper. He has stories to tell. The only time you listen is when you are in the dream state. You don’t have to remember it. He loves being your guardian angel; he is holding open his robes and then closing them as if to surround you and he is surrounding you all the time.